Strangling Dog Saves His Own Life by Dialing 999(911)!

AL | 8:55 AM |

Dog, George, saves life by calling police,911, England
Basset Hound, widely regarded as a stupid variety of dog.
George, a 2-year-old Basset Hound, managed to get himself in a deadly mess with the family telephone.

George knocked over a heavy-duty, old-fashioned, British phone in owner Steve Brown’s home then managed to get himself tangled up so badly that the cord began to choke him to death. Quick thinking and clear minded, George managed to dial 999, ultimately resulting in authorities rushing to his aid.

The emergency operator heard heavy breathing and gasping on the other end and alerted the authorities, who entered the house with the help of a neighbor, Paul Walker, who had a key.

Walker saw the dog choking and ripped the cord free from the phone to save him.

"Incredibly you could see where his paw print was on the phone to ring 999 — he literally saved his own life," Walker told the Sun.

"He's really dopey and just likes to chew socks," exclaimed Lydia Brown, the daughter of George's owner who is a surprised as anybody that George lives on.

Bassets hounds are  ranked 71 out of 79 in The Petrix Dog Intelligent Ranking, taking 80 - 100 repetitions in order to learn new commands and obeying their first command only 25% of the time.

