NY Post Picture of Man About to Get Hit by Train Causes Outrage!

AL | 11:05 AM |

New York Post freelance photographer, R. Umar Abbasi snapped photos of Ki Suk Han after he was thrust on track by an unknown assailant and ultimately run over by the downtown Q train. Han, married father-of-one sustained critical injuries and was later pronounced dead at Roosevelt Hospital.

The New York Post was quick to cover the story using one of the haunting pictures taken by Abassi on a full spread on their front page and instantly drew criticism from many people who labeled the act as classless journalism.

Unsensored, New York Post Picture about to be hit Man hit by Train,picture
Ki Suk Han, Queens resident, in a picture snapped by New York Post freelance photographer Umar Abbasi about to catch the train.
Many readers seem to judge the use of the picture from a humane standpoint and question the fact that instead of trying to save Han from certain demise, the photographer chose to snap pictures and notarize Han's final moments on film.

The New York Post defends Abassi, claiming he was not physically strong enough to assist Han and did what he felt would be more helpful to Han. Abassi claimed he took a multitude of pictures in order to get the attention on the driver through repeated use of the camera's flash. However, the main issue still remains: Was it appropriate for the New York Post to actually go ahead and use those pictures?

Photo of Man’s Imminent Demise Covers Front Page of the New York Post, Sparks Outrage (VIDEO REPORT.)
