Woman Threatens Couple With Knives For Refusing Threesome.

AL | 2:15 AM |

Woman gets knives out after threesome, Valarie Niles
Valarie Niles, who took to knives after a failed threesome.
Give a woman what she wants or the knives will come out....

After the promise of a lascivious threesome with her neighbors did not come to fruition, a Maine woman took the rejection to heart.

Valerie Niles, 44, was arrested late Tuesday evening inside the home of Edward Sabatino, who called 911 to report that Niles was “intoxicated and was threatening him with a knife.”

Knox County Sheriff’s Office deputies arrived at the 56-year-old Sabatino’s residence who then informed police that while socializing, a disgruntled Niles went to the kitchen and returned with three knives and threatened Sabatino and his housemate Shawna Chickering, 30.

After being handcuffed by a deputy, Niles explained that she, Sabatino, and Chickering “were going to have a threesome.”  Apparently, when that did not materialize, her solution was to request that it did through the use of several knives.

Chickering, observed by authorities to have been sleeping at the time of their arrival, claims to not have witnessed the incident. Chickering's two children were in a bedroom (in the house) at the time of the fiasco and are believed to have also slept through the incident.

Niles was placed in custody and has been charged with criminal threatening and terrorizing and is currently on a $250 cash bail.

