Spanish Footfairy Syndrome (SFS): Flopping and Diving in sport need to GO!

AL | 11:33 AM |

Synonyms: cheating, diving, simulation, conning, playing basketball, being Italian.

Spanish Footfairy Syndrome (SFS) is a disease that permeates the modern game of soccer and basketball. It is thought to have entered soccer when an NBA player cross bred with a native female of Spanish descent. Their offspring went on to play for Barcelona and thereafter the disease spread like a wild fire and became rampant in modern day soccer and basketball.

Spanish Footfairy Syndrome (SFS) is a condition whereby a person’s nerve receptors are worn down over time and begin to receive and transmit physical contact and pain or lack thereof, in an irregular manner. The are three deadly types of this disease.

Type 1:

The body may receive a slight touch which nerve receptors will amplify, causing the player to plummet to the ground as if they have been shot by a bullet or a lethal projectile.

Type 2:

The body may receive the slightest bit of contact anywhere on the body. The pain receptors and nerves endings then interpret the contact as a round house kick to the face regardless of where the person actually got hit.

Type 3:

This is the deadliest type of them all. It requires no contact at all. The body responds to faint sensations like gusts of wind or loud sounds. Symptoms may flair up at anytime, even while a person is in their living room, walking to their car, or brushing their teeth.


Many naysayers will cop out and say, “This is why we don’t watch soccer, the overzealous diving just ruins the whole watching experience. We watch tough American sports like BASKETBALL.” Truth be told, soccer players are merely trainees. NBA is really where it’s at!

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