100 simple things we take for granted: #9 Mirrors

AL | 1:37 PM |

#9 Mirrors
GingerCat Looking in the Mirror
By Africanlegend
A typical mirror is a sheet of glass that is coated on one side with aluminum or silver that produces images by reflection. The method of backing a plate of flat glass with a thin sheet of reflecting metal dates back to Venice during the 16th century but mentions of the use of copper plates and other reflective surfaces as mirrors date back to even before the Roman Empire. Present-day mirrors are made by sputtering a thin layer of molten aluminum or silver onto the back of a plate of glass in a vacuum (source).

Unless you live in some derelict part of the world or amidst a civil war or mass genocide, in which case the post is sadly impertinent to you, you have probably looked in a mirror today and will likely do so several more times during the course of the day. The most important invention mirrors are fundamental to is probably the telescope but their applications are endless and photography and early film would not have been possible with them.

That being said, the most important, yet undervalued purpose of a mirror is to bestow upon us the ability to see things at angles and in directions that we wouldn’t ordinarily be able to see, making them fundamental safety features in cars and other vehicles.

They also help us see an image of ourselves. This is profound since the basis of social etiquette mandates that we all maintain certain minimum levels of hygiene. For this reason we use accessories like bathroom mirrors to to render and see images of ourselves to rectify appearance-related issues. We must primarily rely on mirrors for this there seems to exist some misplaced social taboo with regards to telling p they may be to wipe their face, clean their nose or de-slobber themselves. People honestly just avoid telling other if they can........ 

You can literally be walking around WITH:

1 ounce of mysterious, ill-descript white liquid dangling from your hair.
A booger swinging like vine from one nostril.
A cockroach on your cheek.
Your zipper undone, with no evidence of underwear.
To patches of perspiration, creating bull's-eye targets under your armpits.
An erupted pimple, oozing molten, bacterial lava.
Your butt crack peering out form the top of your jeans like Peeping Tom.

…..And even though you are with, four co-workers, three best friends that you’ve know since you were four years old, four sisters and big brother, your dad, your mom, your step-mom and a hygiene and social etiquette specialist with a degree form Harvard and Stanford…

I recently experienced a perfect example of this. Last night I was at wings night watching Football. I did my best to concentrate on the game but it had become an impossible proposition. This girl had sat in the corner of the room with her back to the entire room and her buttocks were sticking out of her jeans. In fact, basically they climbed out of her jeans, got up and walked around the bar and had a conversation with a few of the patrons. Every time she shifted her position it got worse as if her jeans were trying to escape. She had come in with three people that failed to mention her exposure and I find it hard to believe none of them noticed.

It was not long before we called the waiter and asked if he might find some way to politely inform her of her butt crack expo. After a lot of deliberation with waiter, we all unanimously agreed it had been so long that it would be more embarrassing to actually let her know. So we decided to let her continue to be totally embarrassed but remain ignorant of that fact.

NB: This could all have been avoided if she just looked in a mirror.

So next time you look in the mirror, remember my story about The Butt Crack Princess and really appreciate the opportunity you have, to prevent such embarrassment, that the mirror affords you. Heck go out right now and buy a little mirror as a token of your appreciation….…


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