Racist Cop calls Carl Crawford "A Monday'' but since when is that even a Racial Slur?????

AL | 12:37 PM |

Car Crawford, racial slurr. Monday, Cop
Carl Crawford, just another chicken-eating, rapping thieving MONDAY!
LEOMINSTER, Mass. -- A Massachusetts police officer was put on paid leave Wednesday after an internal investigation found that he directed a racial slur at Boston Red-Sox outfielder Carl Crawford.

Officer John Perrault was off duty and attending a minor league game in Manchester, N.H. Witnesses said a heckling fan called Crawford, who is black, a "Monday" before a game between the New Hampshire Fisher Cats and Portland Sea Dogs. Crawford said he interpreted the word as a racial slur.
Apparently the word "Monday" can be used as a derogatory term for blacks, and is often associated with Mondays being one of the least-liked days of the week." ?????????


Carl Crawford should be ashamed of himself not just as a black man but as a human being and perhaps even as a carbon-based life form. This type of trivial accusation compromises the credibility of such cases should they happen in future. If somebody hates or dislikes you, they are not racist simply because they happen to be white and you happen to be black (moron).

Racial abuse is slowly becoming the new sexual abuse. Remember when sexual abuse taken seriously? Remember the times before the Kobe Bryant Case or more infamously the, Duke Lacrosse case? Racial abuse is headed the same way. It's becoming joke. 

A racial slur is an insult directed at someone that makes a hateful or derogatory reference based on the victim's race. We have no idea what Officer John Perrault's attitude to black people is nor can we make any conclusion about it based on what he said. The fact that most people hate Mondays is not good enough.

Nobody likes wearing wet socks. Now if  I call a person, who happens to be Jewish a "stupid wet sock," does it mean I am abusing them racially? It may or it may not but it's a little [very] stupid to sound the racial abuse horn.  When Liverpool's Luis Suarez referred to Manchester United's Patrice Evra "Negro" and Chelsea's John Terry called Anton Ferdinand a "Black Cunt" those were racial slurs because the hate speech was connected to the race of the offended party.

Let's do quick exercise and replace a common racial slur, "nigger(s)," with "Monday" and see whether we can get the same, good old-fashioned hatred of blacks flowing:

Never trust a [Monday]!

[Mondays] always be stealing sh@t!

Lazy, good for nothing [Mondays]!

Hang that [Monday]!

The baby is not mine, it's a [Monday] baby!

We don't serve [Mondays] here!

Eh it's not quite the same.......................

So the verdict as pertains to the inclusion of the word "Monday" as a racial slurrrrrrr...


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